Bentham & Hooker system

An early taxonomic system, the Bentham & Hooker system for seed plants was published in :

G. Bentham & J.D. Hooker (three volumes, 1862–1883). Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata definita.  (available online at Gallica and elsewhere).

The system recognises the following main groups:

Families and orders in the Bentham & Hooker system

Note that this system was published well before there were internationally accepted rules for botanical nomenclature. It indicates a family by "ordo"; an order is indicated by "cohors" (in the first two volumes) or "series" (in the third volume); in the first two volumes “series” refers to a rank above that of order. Terminations for families are not what they are now. Neither of these phenomena is a problem from a nomenclatural perspective: the ICBN provides for this.

See also